Slides at:

A Little this, a Little _that:

Understanding Scope and Context in JavaScript

David Aragon

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Code sample:

function() {
   alert("code will be this big");

Road Map
(Is This Talk for Me?)

  1. Scope from the ground up
  2. The magic variable `this`
  3. What is context?
  4. The future with EcmaScript 6

Let's look at scope from the ground up

What is scope?

Scope: the lifetime of a variable

function add(n1, n2) {
    var sum = n1 + n2;
    if (true) {
        var sum = 42;
    return sum;

Scope in Pseudocode

JavaScript does NOT use block scope

JavaScript uses functional scope:

function add(number1, number2) {
    // anything inside is local
    var sum = number1 + number2;

For a variable to be local, it must:

  1. Be declared with `var`
  2. Be declared inside a function

function add(number1, number2) {
    var sum = number1 + number2;

Scope trick: Self-Invoking functions

(function() {
    // This function runs the second 
    // it's encountered.
    // Gives me a private scope on demand

Self-Invoking functions

// Step 1: normal function
function() {};

// Step 2: wrap the whole thing in parentheses
(function() {});

// Step 3: call your function!
(function() {
    // private scope


What gets printed?

var episode_1 = "Winter Is Coming";
if (true) {
    var episode_1 = "The Kingsroad";

"The Kingsroad"

var episode_1 = "Winter Is Coming";
if (true) {
    var episode_1 = "The Kingsroad";
// "The Kingsroad"

What gets printed?

var episode_1 = "Winter Is Coming";
(function() {
    var episode_2 = "The Kingsroad";

Error: episode_2 is not defined

var episode_1 = "Winter Is Coming";
(function() {
    var episode_2 = "The Kingsroad";
// Error: episode_2 is not defined

What gets printed?

var episode_3 = "Lord Snow";
function printName(episode_3) {
printName("A Golden Crown");

"A Golden Crown"

var episode_3 = "Lord Snow";
function printName(episode_3) {
printName("A Golden Crown");

// prints: "A Golden Crown" 

If only it were that easy

A variable is global if it is not:

  1. Declared with `var`
  2. Declared inside a function

var episode_1 = "Winter Is Coming";
(function() {
    // declaring without var
    episode_2 = "The Kingsroad";
// "The Kingsroad"

Why is global scope so bad?

"Browsers are the most hostile software development environment imaginable". -Douglas Crockford

  • Everyone has access to the global scope
  • 3rd party code can change your values at any time

The Dangers of Global Scope

Detecting Globals

// ["top", "window", "location", 
//  "external", "chrome", "document", ...

The magic variable `this`
What is context?
  • If a function is a sentence, the context is the subject of that sentence. It's who the function is about.
  • We access the context through the variable `this`.
Why is `this` so hard?
  • We're used to lexical scoping (where we can see the value of a variable in the visual scope).
  • `this` uses dynamic scoping, which we're less used to thinking about.
  • But we all kinda sorta know what `this` should be.
`this` in a jQuery event callback

$('button').on('click', function() {
    // $(this) refers to the button the was clicked 

`this` in a jQuery element loop

$('a.disabled').each(function() {
    // $(this) refers to the current anchor 
    // element in our loop of the matched set 

4 ways to set the value of `this` in a function

4 ways to set the value of `this` in a function

  1. Call a method *on* an object
  2. Pass `this` in, with .call() and .apply()
  3. Use `new` to make `this` start out empty
  4. .bind() `this` with 3rd party methods
1. Call a method *on* an object
2. Call a function and pass `this` in, with .call();
2. (part b) Call a function and pass `this` in, with .apply();
3. Use `new` to create a brand new function context

function User(handle) {
    this.handle = handle;
var andrew = new User("@AndrewWK");
// andrew === {handle: "AndrewWK"}

4. .bind() methods ($.proxy, _.bind, native .bind())

var alertName = function() {
$.proxy(alertName, {handle: "@AndrewWK"})(); 
// alerts "@AndrewWK"


on jsPerf:

4 ways to set the value of `this` in a function

  1. Call a method *on* an object
  2. Pass `this` in, with .call() and .apply()
  3. Use `new` to make `this` start out empty
  4. .bind() `this` with 3rd party methods

  5. If none of the above are used, `this` is global object


What is `this`?

(function() {

It's global object

(function() {
    // Window {top: Window, window: Window, location: ... 

What is `this`?

var background_colors = ["green", "blue", "red"];

(function() {

It's `background_colors`

var background_colors = ["green", "blue", "red"];

(function() {
    // ["green", "blue", "red"];

What is `this`?

var user = {
    print: function() {

It's `user`

var user = {
    print: function() {
// Object {print: function}

`this` in jQuery source

$("div.disabled").each(function(index) {
    console.log(this + " is element " + index);

Annotated $().each()

Beware of Callbacks

$('button').on('click', function() {
    setTimeout(function() {
        // Uh oh! `this` is the global object!
    }, 1000); 

Dealing With Callbacks

Using `_this` and `_that`

$('button').on('click', function() {
    var _this = this;
    setTimeout(function() {
        $(_this).addClass('clicked'); // All better
    }, 1000); 

Our Future With EcmaScript 6

  • `let` allows block scope (!)
  • Arrow functions pull context from scope

`let` gives a variable block scope

// EcmaScript 6
if (true) {
    let local_var = "I'm local to the if block!";
console.log(local_var); // Error: undefined local_var

Browser support for `let`:

Chrome 19+ (expiremental flag enabled)
Firefox 24+
Safari No Support
IE 11+
Node (0.10.26) No Support

Arrow Functions

// current (ES5) declaration
var myFunc = function(params) { }

// arrow function
var myFunc = (params) => { }

Without Arrow Functions (ES 5)

$('button').click(function() {
    var _this = this;
    setTimeout(function() {
        // lookup _this from parent scope
    }, 1000); 

With Arrow Functions

$('button').click(function() {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 1000); 

Browser support for arrow functions:

Chrome No support
Firefox 24+
Safari No Support
IE No support
Node (0.10.26) No Support

Where to go from here

Where to go from here

  • You know all the rules.
  • These two concepts underlie important developments in client-side coding:
    • Modules that mix private vars with public exports (like RequireJS)
    • Full fledged MVCs in the browser, like Backbone
    • Functional programming toolbelts like Underscore.js

Thank you!
